Why The Universe Works In Mysterious Ways?

nh poetry
2 min readNov 20, 2020

You can’t wait to get used to how certain things will happen. When you put your trust in the unseen, you will see yourself producing the life you desire in abundance effortlessly.

Don’t limit yourself to a comfortable position, get rid of any distracting emotions about how or when something will happen.

Let your self be amazed.

What the source wants to give you much bigger, more than you need. Huge blessings in ways you can’t predict.

You don’t know how the sun will rise in the morning, but you put your trust that it will. In this kind of strength you will never worry how happy things will be for you.

Flow with the universe will assist you to receive unexpectedly, bring you many opportunities to expand, books or people that change your life in the most unusual way and none of your challenges will ever beyond the skills, tools to handle.

When you just surrender and trust the unseen, things just start to fall into place.

Allow the universe to do its part and thank for providing also nurturing you. Relax and grateful. You are in harmony with the universe. Synchronicity happens. You are in the flow where things easily and very gentle place.

Your life unfolding in perfect ways.

